Woman thinking about hearing God speak

How do you know God is speaking to you?

As daughters of God, we can hear God’s voice, because He promised in His word that, “he who is of ...
Woman keeping her eye on Jesus

Why is it important to keep your eyes on Jesus?

In life, we will meet storms and setbacks. It is not whether we will face a storm, but when. More ...
Two smiling girls holding pinkies, who forgive and forget.

Does the Bible say Forgive and Forget?

Forgiving someone who hurt us can be extremely difficult, especially when that person is (or was) very close to us ...
Bright and powerful sunflower in the morning

Powerful Morning Declarations

Introduction God used speech to establish reality when He created the universe. He spoke, and it was so. In the ...
Smiling woman embracing a bible tightly to her chest

Daily Biblical Declarations to Speak Over Yourself

Introduction God’s Word has the power to change our lives. We grow in faith and revive our spirit, soul, and ...
Woman with folded arms looking treated unfair

The Story of Mary and Martha, a Reflection

The sisters Mary and Martha both loved and served Jesus; no doubt about that. Jesus equally loved them. A reflection ...