
Note with words who am I ?

“Who am I?” is a question asked by many people all over the world. Not knowing who you are implicates a feeling of not belonging. It reveals you don’t know the reason you are here on planet earth and it indicates that you feel alienated. If we want to find out who we are as […]

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Who am I - slave-mentality

In my earlier blog post, I shared that many people walk around with the question “Who am I?”; they perceive themselves as not belonging and alienated. Not knowing who you are means that you have not defined your identity and shows that you are unaware of the reason you are here on planet earth. This […]

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Inferior mind in child caused by parenting style

How do you see yourself? Do you feel that you do not have what it takes? Are you seeing yourself as being ‘less’ than others? Is it your impression that other people do not like you? Does it seem to you that you are incapable of achieving anything? If you replied ‘yes’ to these questions, […]

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