Open Bible with text 31 Bible verses new beginniNGS

31 Best Bible Verses about New Beginnings

Introduction Each day of our life is a gift from God, a special new beginning. Yesterday is gone, and a ...
Open Bible-showing-verses-and-book-with-text-self-love-is-not-selfish

Best Short Bible Verses About Self Love

Self-love, or the practice of valuing oneself, is often seen as a modern concept. However, the concept of self-love is ...
Text why and God loves me fingerwritten in a heart in vapor on a window

Why Does God Love Me?

It’s a simple thought, but too often we get busy with our lives and forget it. We get distracted, preoccupied, ...
Open Bible showing the verse about love, with a red heart

Best Bible Verses About Love

Love is the key ingredient of God’s Word. God’s message for us is LOVE—we can call the Bible God’s love ...
2 hands holding the word CHANGE in front of yourself

What Does the Bible Say About Changing Yourself for the Better?

God created each of us for a purpose, and with that comes the need to strive continually to become the ...
Hand of Jesus with text, come follow me

Jesus Said Follow Me

Introduction These days, on various social media platforms, people are craving for followers, measuring their worth by the number of ...