Text why and God loves me fingerwritten in a heart in vapor on a window

It’s a simple thought, but too often we get busy with our lives and forget it. We get distracted, preoccupied, restless, bored, harried, or hurried. What is this simple thought? God loves you. We think we must do something to earn it or that we don’t deserve it. We hear about God’s love at church […]

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Do what you love written in an open pink notebook

“Do what you love and love what you do.” You may have heard the saying before. While it sounds simple, it might be trickier than thought. Life challenges and pressure from outside can lead us to end up doing things we don’t love. Does it really matter if we love what we do? Or is […]

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Woman stretching herself on bed in the morning routine

Introduction One of the best ways to learn how to become more fulfilled, capable, and confident in life is to look at the people in life who have accomplished the most and then do what they do. What are the secrets to their success? Do they have a Christian morning routine? Usually, you’ll find that […]

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