Relaxed woman having her mind set on things above

We fill our days with must-do’s, want-to’s, and like-to’s. These can disrupt our thinking and dis-align our focus. It does not just distract our focus from what we really ought to do, but also from our spiritual focus. We occupy our minds with so many other things, leaving little or no place for the things […]

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Smiling girl holding a heart of light.o

Christians and non-Christians alike celebrate Christmas. Some celebrate based on a family tradition, some out of nostalgia, some based on their faith, some because of the fellowship, and others simply because it is what everyone does. No matter how Christians celebrate Christmas, there is a shared theme, and that is the Christmas mind. For many, […]

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Note on table, saying to forget the past

Holding on to our past is one of the easiest, yet ‘dangerous’, things to do, because it often keeps us stagnated and bitter. Being able to forget the past will set us free. Jesus came to set us free from bondage, but often we keep ourselves captives to our past. So, how do we forget […]

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