Soul winning

My personal experience of being won over by Christ Soul winning; we all have heard of it, but what exactly is it? Many see soul winning as persuading others to become Christians. However, this is not the biblical responsibility of Christians. Yes, we are responsible to share our testimony (witness), but God is the one […]

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Inferior mind racism

George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Eric Garner. Walter Scott. Jordan Edwards. Five random names? No, they all had a brown skin, were all unarmed and killed by white police officers. Why? Mainly due to their skin-color. Racism caused their deaths. Racism cannot kill; it is the extreme manifestation of it that kills. There is racism in […]

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Inferior mind in Marriage

Do you feel unloved, even in the setting of your marriage? Have you ever wondered whether anyone really likes you? Do you think that you are not worthy, that you are not capable, and that you are not smart? These questions and feelings show that you suffer from an inferior mind, even within your marriage. […]

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