White flower and a note to forgive yourself


When we think of forgiveness, we usually think of forgiving others. However, it is equally important to forgive yourself. You may hide guilt, shame, and negative feelings in your heart because you find it hard to forgive yourself. So, how to forgive yourself for hurting someone you love?

If we want to forgive ourselves for hurting someone we love, the best way is to deal with our inner critic and our negative emotions. Past mistakes can make it hard to forgive ourselves because we feel guilt or shame for the terrible thing we did.

It’s important to acknowledge and accept that we cannot change our past actions, but we can use it as a learning experience. The mistake has been made—we can’t change that. Accepting this truth is an important part of the process of self-forgiveness. It will also help us prevent it next time.

Whether we hurt a family member, romantic partners, a close friend, or even our best friend, if we make sincere efforts, we can forgive ourselves for hurting our loved ones. And as a bonus, we may get forgiven by the person we hurt.

You may have a hard time trying to forgive yourself—but the good news is that it is possible to achieve true self-forgiveness. Make a conscious effort and take a first step… You will get there!

What does it mean when you can’t forgive yourself?

When you find it hard to forgive yourself, you carry guilt and shame at the same time. Negative thoughts and guilty feelings hinder your journey of self-forgiveness.

You know you should let go of guilt and let go of the past, but that little voice in your head keeps condemning you. That inner voice tells you that you are a bad person. This affects your emotional well-being.

Pride and stubbornness can also be at play because we don’t want to admit we did something wrong… so there isn’t anything to forgive ourselves for. You cannot forgive yourself if you don’t take responsibility for your own mistakes. Our human nature tells us to avoid admitting our mistakes, but as Christians, we should acknowledge our mistakes and take responsibility for them.

The Bible tells us we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). However, God has provided a way for us to be forgiven through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. It is through His grace that we can forgive ourselves and move forward.

Forgiving ourselves is not an easy process, but it is necessary for our emotional and spiritual well-being. We must learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and focus on the good things we have done. We can also seek guidance from God and ask Him to help us forgive ourselves.

Forgiving ourselves is essential for our personal growth and healing. We must learn to let go of our past mistakes and focus on the present and future. By taking responsibility for our own actions and seeking God’s help, we can achieve true self-forgiveness.

What to do when you can’t forgive yourself?

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Can you forgive yourself for hurting someone? If you are having a hard time trying to forgive yourself, there are some things you can do to help ease the healing process.

The first step is to identify what is causing you to hold on to guilt and shame. Is it a specific action or mistake that you made? Is it a pattern of behavior that you exhibit? Once you have identified the root cause, you can work on addressing it.

Second, practice self-compassion—this is an important step. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a good friend. Recognize that everyone can make mistakes and that it is natural to feel regretful or ashamed.

The next step is to seek support from others. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings of guilt. Consider seeing a mental health expert or counselor who can help you work through your emotions and develop strategies for genuine self-forgiveness.

Finally, turn to God. Pray for forgiveness and ask for His guidance and strength. Remember that God loves you and wants you to experience healing and wholeness. A great way is to read Bible stories about forgiveness and let yourself be inspired by them.

In conclusion, forgiving yourself is an important part of Christian living. It allows us to let go of negative emotions, experience healing, and move forward in life. By acknowledging our past mistakes, taking responsibility for our own actions, and seeking support and guidance, we can achieve true self-forgiveness and experience the peace and joy that come with it.

Is it OK to forgive yourself for hurting someone?

You can feel extremely bad after hurting someone who really cares for you. Your heart and mind may get into turmoil. Wondering…is it OK to forgive yourself for hurting someone…?

Yes, it is important to forgive yourself for hurting someone!

Forgiveness is a crucial aspect of healing and moving forward. Holding on to guilt and shame can be detrimental to your mental and emotional well-being, and can hinder your ability to repair relationships with those you love.

By forgiving yourself, you are acknowledging your mistake and taking responsibility for your actions, while also showing compassion and understanding towards yourself. It is important to remember that we are all human and we all make mistakes. It is through forgiveness that we can learn and grow, and become better versions of ourselves.

10 Steps to forgive yourself for hurting someone you love

If you have hurt someone you love with your words, it is important to take steps towards forgiveness. Forgiving yourself needs a deliberate decision—it will not come automatically. Forgiving yourself is crucial, as the benefits of self-forgiveness are huge.

Unforgiveness affects our physical health, not just our mental and spiritual health. It can cause heart disease and anxiety disorders.

What to do after you have hurt someone?

Open wounds after we make mistakes and hurt feelings of people we love can cause us to feel that what we did can’t be forgiven. The critical voice in your mind says you can’t forgive yourself for hurting someone who really cares for you. What you did was terrible, is all you can think of.

It is important to acknowledge that you are an imperfect person and that you made bad decisions, but that true forgiveness is the right thing to do and that you can become a better person by making a conscious choice and taking specific action.

In the same way as you need to forgive and forget when someone hurts you, you need to forgive yourself. It is only then that you can let go of it and forget what happened.

Here are ten steps you can take after you hurt someone you love and to forgive yourself:

  • The first step is to acknowledge your mistake. Take responsibility for your actions and acknowledge the hurt you caused. This means taking responsibility for your words and recognizing the impact they had on the other person. This is the first thing to do to start the process of healing and forgiveness.
  • The second step is to apologize. A sincere apology can go a long way in healing the hurt caused by hurtful words. It is important to express remorse and ask for forgiveness. Making a phone call to the person you’ve hurt is one of the easy ways to do this.
  • The third step is to make amends. This means taking corrective action to show the other person that you are committed to making things right. This could involve changing your behavior or making up for the hurt you caused.
  • The fourth step is to learn from your mistakes. Reflect on what you did wrong and what you can do differently in the future. This will help you grow and avoid making the same mistake again.
  • The fifth step is to work on your communication skills. Learning how to communicate effectively and respectfully can help prevent hurtful words from being spoken in the future. Learning communication techniques can help us become better versions of ourselves.  
  • The sixth step is to practice self-compassion. This means acknowledging that you made a mistake, but also recognizing that you are human and capable of growth and change. It is important to let go of guilt and shame and focus on moving forward with a positive attitude and a commitment to treating others with kindness and respect.
  • The seventh step is self-forgiveness. Forgive yourself for your mistake. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you are not defined by your past actions.
  • The eighth step is to seek support. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings of guilt and shame. Consider seeking the guidance of a mental health expert or counselor who can help you work through your emotions.
  • The ninth step is to turn to God. Pray for forgiveness and ask for God’s guidance and strength. Remember that God loves you and wants you to experience healing and wholeness.
  • The tenth and final step is to read books or articles on forgiveness and self-improvement. There are many resources available that can help you learn more about how to forgive yourself and others. For example the book “Forgive for good” by dr. frederic Luskin, or articles on forgiveness by robert Enright (International Forgiveness Institute). Reading about other people’s experiences and how they overcame their mistakes can provide inspiration and motivation to move forward.

In conclusion, forgiving yourself for hurting someone you love takes time, effort, and commitment. It requires a willingness to take responsibility for your actions, offering a sincere apology, making amends, learning from your mistakes, working on improving your communication skills, practicing self-compassion and self-forgiveness, seeking support, and turning to God.

By practicing self-forgiveness and focusing on positive change, you can move forward and strengthen your relationships with those you love.

How do you forgive yourself for saying hurtful things?

Mostly when we hurt people, it is by using hurtful words. We can hurt others with our actions as well, but our tongue can lead us into all kinds of trouble. We can also harm ourselves with our words. If we always declare negativity over ourselves, we hurt our own self-worth.

With forgiving for using hurtful words, we need to look at the things we say to and about others, as well as at the things we say about ourselves.

“In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself.”

James 3:5-6 (NLT)

God gave us a tongue to praise and serve Him. It is up to us to use it well. If we don’t want to get into trouble, we need to control our tongues. If not, our tongues will control us.

“But no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison. Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God.”

James 3:8-9 (NLT)

Things to do to spiritually forgive yourself

The things we say can be against ourselves and against others, triggered by our moods and emotions or by external factors. No matter the cause and no matter the depth of harm caused, and no matter how hard we think it is, we need to ask God for forgiveness, and we need to forgive ourselves.

The Bible speaks about forgiving, and in some way also about forgetting. So, if you are wondering whether you should forgive yourself spiritually, the answer is ‘yes!’.

Here are a few things to do to help you forgive yourself spiritually:

  • Admit your mistake.
  • Repent of what you said.
  • Confess to God and ask Him for forgiveness.
  • Know you are human and not perfect.
  • Understand the reason you said it and the circumstances under which it happened.
  • Approach the person you hurt and apologize.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Write yourself a sincere apology note.
  • (Re-) Commit yourself to God and stay in His presence daily.
  • Take care of yourself, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

How do you forgive yourself and let go?

When you make a minor mistake, it may be easier to forgive yourself and move on. But how to forgive yourself for something terrible and then let go of it, that’s another thing.

However, when we forgive ourselves, it is vital to let go as well. If we would hold on to the harm we caused, it would be difficult to go on with our lives and have peace at the same time.

To let go of what we did, no matter how terrible that was, we need to focus on God, not on our faults. God loves us and has forgiven us. He forgives our terrible mistakes and our tiny mistakes. There is no difference for God.

It is His love that forgave us, and it is His love that keeps us going. When we accept that love, we brace ourselves to let go. God washed us with His blood. He has set us free. We shouldn’t keep ourselves as prisoners in our own condemning voices and spirit of unforgiveness.

Here is how to forgive yourself and let go of regrets:

  • Admit. Acknowledge you hurt someone.
  • Accept. Recognize that you are human and know that every human makes mistakes.
  • Humble. Ask forgiveness from God and the one you hurt.
  • Release. Cast the burden on to the Lord.
  • Learn. Discover the lesson from your mistakes.
  • Visualize. Imagine a future picture of yourself free from guilt, regret, and self-condemnation.

How do you forgive yourself and start all over?

Starting all over means we need to focus fully on the future. This means we focus on God and the plans He has for us. We take a step of faith and trust Him with our future. He will give us a fresh start.

Our faith is the bridge between the rocky side of the ravine where we hurt others and ourselves and the green pastures on the other side which are full of options and possibilities. The bridge may look wobbly, but it is the only way to get to the other side. If we look back (or down) while we walk, we may slip. Our heads must face forward to the good life.

To take this bridge, we need to repent truly and keep our eyes fixed on the desired end. We should stop focusing on our mistakes and stop dwelling on the past. To reach the other end, we must take steps. We will never arrive if we stand on the rocky side, gazing to the other side. No matter how pretty it looks over there, we won’t arrive unless we take steps.

To start all over starts with one little step, a step of faith. Then, we keep going, one step after the other until we arrive. We should take sides with God to reach our destination. God is faithful. He won’t let us down on the way and He won’t leave us when we are on the other side of the ravine.

God has a plan for you. So why would you want to continue living in the past?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” .

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Prayer to forgive yourself

Thank You, Jesus! You paid the price for me. I am forgiven. I am sorry I used this freedom to sin and hurt others. Please forgive me. Help me guard my heart and mouth, and not sin again.

People tell me, “No need to forgive yourself”, but even though it is hard, I choose to do it. I want to obey You and be a forgiving person, including toward myself. Help me forgive myself for hurting someone I love.

I embrace the plans You have for me and refuse to live in the past any longer. Help me start all over again. Thank You. Amen.