
Ever felt like you’re not quite measuring up, even when you’re rocking it? That’s the classic imposter syndrome kicking in! It’s that nagging feeling that you’re a fraud, despite all the evidence to the contrary. But fear not! You can overcome it. I’ve got you covered with this blog on the best books on imposter syndrome—to tackle it head-on!

Imposter syndrome is like that annoying little voice in your head telling you that you’re not as good as everyone thinks you are. It can sneak up on anyone, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting (I know…as it had hunted me for years…).

But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in feeling this way, and there are plenty of resources out there to help you kick imposter syndrome to the curb. In this blog, we’ll explore the 17 best books on imposter syndrome, packed with practical tips, relatable stories, and strategies to boost your confidence and overcome self-doubt.

Whether you’re struggling at work, in your personal life, as being a creative, or all, these books to overcome imposter syndrome offer guidance and inspiration to help you embrace your true potential.

So, grab a cuppa, cozy up with your favorite blanket, and let’s dive into these game-changing books together!

What is the imposter syndrome theory?

Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological phenomenon: when we doubt our accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence of our competence.

It can affect anyone, regardless of their achievements, and can have a detrimental impact on one’s self-esteem and success. To overcome this syndrome, people often seek guidance and support from various resources, such as a life coach for confidence or by reading books.

Whether you are experiencing imposter syndrome in your professional career, personal relationships, or any other aspect of your life, these books offer valuable tools and perspectives to help you navigate through these universal feelings of inadequacy and thrive.

By reading these books, you can gain a deeper understanding of imposter syndrome, learn effective strategies to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs, and develop a more confident mindset. These resources can serve as a guide and source of inspiration as you embark on your journey toward overcoming imposter syndrome.

So, let’s dive into the best books on imposter syndrome and discover the knowledge and wisdom they hold to help you overcome self-doubt and embrace your true potential.

What is the original book on imposter syndrome?

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#1 The Impostor Phenomenon, by Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne A. Imes, is considered the original book on imposter syndrome.

The imposter phenomenon book was published in 1978. This groundbreaking work explores the experiences of high-achieving women who struggle with feelings of fraudulence and self-doubt.

The authors delve into the underlying causes of imposter syndrome and its impact on various aspects of life and offer practical strategies for overcoming these negative feelings.

Overcoming imposter syndrome is a journey, and books can serve as your trusted companions along the way. So, pick up a book, dive into its wisdom, and take the first step towards embracing your true capabilities and living a life free from self-doubt.

Best imposter syndrome books

Imposter syndrome is a common experience among women, and even highly accomplished individuals like Michelle Obama have admitted to struggling with it. The good news is that you are able to overcome it with some hard work (LOL).

The best books on overcoming imposter syndrome help you understand and conquer imposter syndrome. These books provide personal stories, tools, and perspectives to empower you and build confidence. They offer guidance on challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, embracing your achievements, and developing a more confident mindset.

By reading the best imposter syndrome books, you can gain a deeper understanding of imposter syndrome and embark on a journey toward overcoming self-doubt and embracing your true potential. They will propel your personal growth.

To help you overcome this mindset, I have curated a list of the best books on imposter syndrome that provide valuable insights and practical strategies. It includes the favorite books of many!

So, pick up one of the imposter syndrome books, dive into its wisdom, and take the first step towards living a life free from the constraints of imposter syndrome.

Here are the best books on imposter syndrome Amazon:

#2 The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive In Spite of It

By Valerie Young

The internationally known speaker examines imposter syndrome specifically in the context of high-achieving women. This book on imposter syndrome provides insights and strategies to help women recognize and overcome imposter feelings.

The imposter syndrome affects women more, causing them to doubt their abilities, even if they have a successful career. They frequently engage in unconscious overcompensation through perfectionism, over-preparation, and a tendency to stay hidden or withhold their talents and opinions, often leaving important projects unfinished. When they succeed, they think, “Phew, I fooled ’em again.”

#3 Presence

By Amy Cuddy

This powerful imposter syndrome book explores the power of body language and how it can influence our confidence and sense of self. While not solely focused on imposter syndrome, this book offers valuable insights and techniques to help you overcome self-doubt and project a more authentic self. Based on insightful case studies.

“Presence feels at once concrete and inspiring, simple but ambitious — above all, truly powerful.” New York Times Book Review.

#4 The Imposter Cure: Escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome

By Dr. Jessamy Hibberd

A solution-based self-help book that explores the psychological impact of imposter syndrome. Dr Hibberd provides sound expert advice to help the reader better understand imposter syndrome and how to overcome it. The Imposter Cure encourages a shift in mindset, develops the art of self-assurance, and enhances self-perception.

Filled with case studies to bring the concepts alive and packed with strategies to increase confidence, this book is a must-read for anyone who has struggled with their achievements.

#5 Rethink Imposter Syndrome: Build confidence, beat self-doubt and succeed

By Vinita Bansal

If you’re struggling to embrace the opportunities in your personal life or getting hooked by your thoughts and feelings is leading to self-sabotage behaviors, Rethink Imposter Syndrome will show you how to navigate those emotions with courage and compassion.

This book will not turn you into a perfect human being who’s free of self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity, or fear. Considering the functioning of our brain, that would be unrealistic. This book is more than just a guide; it paves the way for genuine behavioral change, enabling you to live in alignment with your values and priorities, without being hindered by distressing thoughts.

Your previous obstacles of unworthiness, lack of confidence, and self-doubt will now fuel your creativity, inspiration, and insight.

#6 The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

By Brené Brown

In The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, PhD, shares what she’s learned from a decade of research on the power of Wholehearted Living—a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness.

Brown’s ten guideposts awaken our minds, hearts, and spirits by exploring how we can foster courage, compassion, and connection. To learn to think: No matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough, and to go to bed at night thinking, Yes, I am sometimes afraid, but I am also brave. And, yes, I am imperfect and vulnerable, but that doesn’t change the truth that I am worthy of love and belonging.

#7 The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know

By Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

This New York Times bestseller delves into the concept of confidence and how it can impact our success.

Confidence. We want it. We need it. But it can be maddeningly enigmatic and out of reach.

Lack of confidence is usually the cause of imposter syndrome. This book provides valuable insights and practical advice for building confidence and overcoming self-doubt. The authors base their book on neuroscience and many interviews with female high achievers, whether in executive management, sports, or entertainment.

#8 Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand In the Sun and Be Your Own Person

By Shonda Rhimes

This book, by best-selling author Shonda Rhimes, offers valuable lessons on embracing opportunities, stepping out of your comfort zone, and being your authentic self. It is one of the great self-help guides, full of straight talk and practical advice.

This intimate and hilarious satire explores Shonda’s life before her Year of Yes (saying “yes” to anything that scared her)—from her nerdy, book-loving childhood to her devotion to creating television characters who reflected the world she saw around her. And ends with her life after her Year of Yes, when she learned to explore, empower, applaud, and love her true self.

#9 Your Inner Critic Is a Big Jerk: And Other Truths About Being Creative

By Danielle Krysa

If you are engaged in creative work and imposter syndrome sneaks in through your inner critic, then this overcoming imposter syndrome book is for you. This book will help you silence that stifling voice once and for all, and defeat your self-doubt. Each encouraging chapter deconstructs a pivotal moment on the path to success—fear of the blank page, the dangers of jealousy, sharing work with others—and explains how to navigate roadblocks.

Packed with helpful anecdotes, thoughts from successful creatives, and practical exercises gleaned from the author’s years of working with professional and aspiring artists, this book arms readers with the most essential tool for their toolbox: the confidence they need to get down to business and make good work.

These are the best books on imposter syndrome, each offering unique perspectives and strategies for overcoming self-doubt and embracing your true potential.

By reading these books, you can gain valuable insights, tools, and inspiration to help you navigate through imposter syndrome and cultivate a more confident and empowered mindset.

While reading any of these books, you can also use the imposter syndrome workbook to Break free of imposter syndrome and cultivate a sense of self-worth, authenticity, and confidence just as you are. Have a look at books on building confidence and self-esteem as well….


Looking for imposter syndrom books related to work? We’ve got you covered.

Is there a book on imposter syndrome at work?

Imposter syndrome can show up in any area of our lives. However, one of the places it often shows up is in our professional lives, at work. There are several good books that specifically address imposter syndrome in the workplace.

In this part of the blog, you’ll be sure to find an imposter syndrome work fitting your personal career situation.

The 6 best books on imposter syndrome in the workplace

#10 Your Unstoppable Greatness: Break Free from Impostor Syndrome, Cultivate Your Agency, and Achieve Your Ultimate Career Goals

By Lisa Orbé-Austin PhD and Richard Orbé-Austin PhD

When you struggle with Impostor Syndrome and feel like a fraud, it can become easy to get trapped into an unhealthy cycle in your career and lose focus of your goals. Conquering impostor syndrome will empower you to believe in your accomplishments, skills, and potential for a successful life. Plus, it will improve your mental health in general.

Discover the power to recognize your potential, connect with your agency, and build the career you’ve always desired through this book on impostor syndrome. Discover a range of research- and therapy-based exercises, prompts, and activities in this interactive imposter syndrome workbook.

#11 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome at Work: The Black Woman’s Guide to Conquer Perfectionism, Stop Overthinking & Thrive in Your Career

By Tine Zekis M.Ed

Have you ever sensed a subtle uncertainty, causing you to doubt your capabilities, even with an exceptional resume? If this is the case, you could be struggling with imposter syndrome. But fear not! Let this book be your guide to conquering feelings of self-doubt, unlocking your potential, and achieving the success you deserve.

Includes time-tested practical exercises!

#12 The Imposter Syndrome: How to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud at Work, Build Your Confidence and Stop the Inner Critic

By Phil Roberts

Do you doubt your own abilities and feel like a fraud in your own life? There are five common competence types of imposter syndrome. The perfectionist, the superwoman/man, the expert, the natural genius, and the soloist.

Building confidence is essential to overcome impostor syndrome and silencing your inner critic. Learn to change negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. Learn to rebuild your confidence with the 30 day confidence challenge!

#13 Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence

By Jennifer Pestikas, Amanda James, and Belinda Hyppolite

A group of powerful women impart their wisdom and share their own experiences in Brave Women at Work. Self-belief and confidence are the building blocks for success in both business and personal lives. Each author shares lessons from their own life, in which they forged their own path to confidence by setting aside their fears and embracing their personal and professional power.

This book will inspire and empower you to build confidence and achieve your greatest success and live a happy life.

#14 Visible: A Woman’s Guide to Unleashing Your Full Potential in the Workforce

By Laura C Arroyo

This book on imposter syndrome empowers women to take action and face workplace challenges head-on. With practical tips to “Level Up” and take your career to the next level, minority women can learn how to unleash their power in the workforce.

For the past ten years, Laura Arroyo, entrepreneur, writer, lecturer, and employee development consultant, has witnessed firsthand the disparities between black and brown women and their counterparts in the workforce. Her book serves as a guide that can help us learn from the past to carry our light into our future.

#15 From Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Succeed in Your Career

By Linda Mullins

In this book on imposter syndrome in the workplace you’ll learn how to recognize and overcome the negative self-talk, fear, and self doubt that hold you back from achieving your full potential.

This book uses the latest psychology research to give you practical tips on building self-confidence, developing a growth mindset, and finding mentors and colleagues.

Novels on imposter syndrome

#16 Imposter Syndrome and Other Confessions of Alejandra Kim

By Patricia Parks

A provocative read about a multicultural teen who struggles to fit into her elite prep school (Quaker Oats Prep), her diverse Queens neighborhood, Jackson Heights, and even her own home. Alejandra, with her Spanish name and super Korean face, is just trying to get through the day without feeling like an imposter in either of her worlds.

The author of the acclaimed adult novel Re Jane delves into the complexities of identity, belonging, and the pressure to succeed. Through the journey of Alejandra Kim, Park explores themes of cultural displacement, imposter syndrome, and the pursuit of authenticity in a society that often demands conformity.

With poignant prose and compelling characters, Park navigates the challenges of self-discovery in a world filled with expectations and illusions. A young adult novel that is both hilarious and deeply meaningful, by the award-winning author of Re Jane.

“Simply brilliant!” —David Yoon, New York Times best-selling author of FRANKLY IN LOVE

“Scathingly funny.” —Gayle Forman, New York Times best-selling author of IF I STAY

#17 Impostor Syndrome: A Novel

By Kathy Wang

A sharp and prescient novel about women in the workplace, the power of Big Tech, and the looming threat of foreign espionage.

In 2006, Julia Lerner is living in Moscow. She’s a recent university graduate in computer science, when she’s recruited by Russia’s largest intelligence agency. By 2018, she’s in Silicon Valley as COO of Tangerine, one of America’s most famous technology companies. She funnels intelligence back to the motherland. But now Russia’s asking for more, and Julia’s getting nervous.

Alice Lu is a first-generation Chinese American whose parents are delighted she’s working at Tangerine (such a successful company!). One afternoon, while performing a server check, Alice discovers some unusual activity, and now she’s burdened with two powerful but distressing suspicions: Tangerine’s privacy settings aren’t as rigorous as the company claims they are, and the person abusing this loophole might be Julia Lerner herself.

The closer Alice gets to Julia, the more Julia questions her own loyalties. Russia may have placed her in the Valley, but she’s the one who built her career; isn’t she entitled to protect the lifestyle she’s earned? Part page-turning cat-and-mouse chase, part sharp and hilarious satire, Impostor Syndrome is a shrewdly-observed examination of women in tech, Silicon Valley hubris, and the rarely fulfilled but ever-attractive promise of the American Dream.

I hope these imposter syndrom books will speak to your situation and help you change your mindset and have a fulfilling life. May you find your imposter syndrome remedy.

Take-Away best books on imposter syndrome

Navigating imposter syndrome can feel like a lonely journey, but armed with the insights and strategies from the best books on imposter syndrome, you can emerge stronger and more self-assured. Remember, overcoming self-doubt is a process, and these books offer invaluable guidance and inspiration every step of the way.

So, the next time that imposter voice whispers in your ear, reach for one of these transformative reads. Dive into the stories of others who have faced similar struggles and emerged victorious. Let their wisdom and experiences serve as beacons of hope, guiding you toward a brighter, more confident future.

As you immerse yourself in these pages, be patient with yourself, celebrate your victories (no matter how small), and lean on the support of friends, family, or even online communities. You can dismantle the barriers of imposter syndrome and embrace your true worth and potential.

You deserve to thrive, and with the right tools at your disposal, nothing can hold you back from reaching your fullest potential.

Do you want some trusted help during your journey to overcome imposter syndrome?

I have helped many women (re-)gain confidence and become the woman they were meant to be.

Reach out to me today!

Christel Owoo is a professional Life Coach with ACC-credentials from ICF.

She is passionate about helping women gain confidence.

Do you want to gain confidence in life and live fully in your God-given potential?

Reach out to Christel…

Christel Owoo Christian Confidence Coach
Christel Owoo, Christian Confidence Coach