Bible opened at the best book to read first, with text gospel of john on the wall


Starting your journey with the Bible as a new Christian can feel overwhelming (it was for me!). With so many books, where do you begin? The Bible is a big book with many stories, teachings, and lessons, but what is the best book to start in the Bible?

Choosing the right Bible book to start with can make a big difference in how you understand God’s Word. The Bible isn’t just one book but a collection of 66 books, each with its own message and focus. Finding the right entry point can help you connect more deeply with God.

The Bible is filled with wisdom that can guide your life, but knowing where to start is key to building a strong foundation in your faith. In this guide, we’ll explore the best book to start with as a new Christian, how to approach your reading, where to start reading the Bible for beginners, and the best order to read the Bible.

Whether you’re just beginning or need a fresh start, these tips will help you get the most out of your Bible reading. Let’s find out which book to read first in the bible.

What book to start reading in the Bible?

I had been an atheist for all my life when I gave my life to Christ Jesus when I was 25 years old. When I held a Bible in my hand for the first time, I didn’t know what is the best book to start the Bible.

I approached it as a student: I started with the very first book of the Bible, being the book of Genesis (nothing wrong with that!). I also tried to understand when the books were written, by whom, and under which circumstances. Again, there is nothing wrong with that.

However, God’s Word is not just the ink on the pages of the Bible. His “Word is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)

It is therefore good to have a look at finding out what is the best book to start in the Bible.

What book in the Bible should you start reading first?

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I gave my life to Jesus Christ during a study stay in Ghana and started reading the Bible as a new believer at the end of my stay. I started with Genesis and it hit home—I felt as if I finally arrived ‘home’. When I returned, I got in touch with other Christians and even though they confirmed it is a good book to start with…there are better places to start your Bible reading journey.   

They told me the books of the New Testament are better to start with, especially the gospels. They also showed me the best book to start in the Bible is the Gospel of John. John’s Gospel focuses on who Jesus is, what He did, and why He came to earth. It’s a straightforward book that introduces you to Jesus’s life and teachings, making it the best place to start for anyone new to the Bible.

The book of John is clear and simple, emphasizing the love Jesus has for all people. Through his stories and teachings, you’ll get a sense of the deep connection Jesus wants to have with you. This book lays the foundation for understanding the rest of the Bible.

Starting with John helps you focus on the most important aspect of Christianity: Jesus Christ. By understanding His life and mission, you’ll be better prepared to explore the rest of the Bible and grow in your faith.

If you are pondering what chapter of the Bible should I read first, then let me assure you it is generally best to start with the first chapter of a Bible book. For example, in the Gospel of John, start with John chapter 1, from verse 1, and so on.

Which gospel should I read first?

If you want to focus on the gospels, the best gospel to start with is (again) the Gospel of John. This gospel provides a clear and intimate portrayal of Jesus, highlighting his teachings, miracles, and his ultimate purpose for coming to earth.

By starting with John, you’ll gain a deep understanding of Jesus’ love for you and how he desires to have a personal relationship with you. It is the best book to start in the Bible as a new believer.  

Besides the Gospel of John, other great books to start with as a new Christian include the gospel of Mark, which offers a fast-paced account of Jesus’ ministry, and the book of Romans, which delves into the foundational teachings of the Christian faith.

Why read the book of John first? The Gospel of John differs from the other Gospels because it focuses more on who Jesus is rather than just what He did. You’ll find many of Jesus’ most powerful teachings in John, such as His declaration of being the “light of the world” and the “good shepherd.”

My personal suggestion is to read John first, and then the other gospels as well: the book of Matthew, the book of Luke, and the book of Mark. Each of them writes from their personal experiences, some are overlapping and some write about unique events.

Remember, the important thing is not just where you start, but that you begin your journey of reading the Bible with an open heart and a desire to grow in your faith. Whether you choose to start with John or any other book, may your exploration of God’s Word bring you closer to Him and transform your life.

Let’s look at what order to read the Bible for the first time.

What type of Bible should I read first?

When it comes to choosing a Bible, as a young Christian or when you are long in the faith, it’s important to pick one that’s easy to understand. There are many different translations, but as a new Christian, you might want to start with a version like the New Living Translation (NLT) or the New International Version (NIV). These translations are clear and simple, making it easier to grasp the meaning of the text.

Choose a more modern translation (easy read version for new believers) such as the two just mentioned, instead of the King James version, to prevent meeting too many difficult passages.

A beginners study Bible can also be helpful. Study Bibles include notes, explanations, and sometimes even maps to help you understand the context of what you’re reading. This is especially useful as you start your journey with the Bible, giving insights that deepen your understanding.

You may wonder, what is the best Bible study book for beginners? There are several options when it comes to Bible Study Guide for Beginners, in which each of the 66 books are explained.

Another great option is a devotional Bible. These Bibles include daily readings and reflections that help you connect with God’s word in a meaningful way. They’re designed to guide you through the Bible in manageable steps, making it easier to stay consistent in your reading.

A beginners Bible or an easy to read Bible is a great baptism gift idea for adults.

Now, let’s look at where to start reading the Bible for beginners.


What book of the Bible should a new believer start with?

As a new believer, knowing the best book to start in the Bible is difficult. As we saw earlier in this blog a great place for new believers to begin with the book of John. You’ll get the full story of Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and resurrection – it’s really easy to understand.

It also offers a clear introduction to the central figure of the Christian faith and lays a solid foundation for understanding the message of salvation.

Reading the book of John allows you as a new believer to grasp the significance of Jesus’ ministry and the core principles of Christianity. It covers essential topics such as faith, grace, love, and eternal life. Additionally, John presents Jesus’ miracles and teachings in a way that is relatable and impactful.

After reading the book of John, you can then explore New Testament books, such as the Gospel of Matthew, which provides a comprehensive account of Jesus’ birth, life, teachings, and ministry. The letters of Paul, such as Romans and the book of Ephesians, are also great for new believers to wrap their heads around the theological foundations of the Christian faith.

Ultimately, the choice of where to start in the Bible is a personal one. Make sure to pray and talk to trusted mentors or pastors to find the best starting point for you.

Even if you aren’t a new believer, you may wonder what book of the bible should I read for guidance. God’s entire Word is for guidance—thus you could literally open any book of the Bible and receive instruction and counseling.

Best books of the Bible to read for young adults

With the best book to start in the Bible for young adults, there are several that are particularly relevant and impactful. Here are a few recommendations:

1. Proverbs: This book is filled with practical wisdom and guidance for navigating various aspects of life, such as relationships, decision-making, and character development. It offers valuable insights for young adults seeking guidance and direction in their daily lives.

2. Psalms: Known as the book of worship and praise, Psalms holds beautiful and heartfelt expressions of emotions and experiences. It resonates with young adults who are going through different seasons of life and provides comfort, encouragement, and inspiration.

3. Ecclesiastes: This book explores the meaning and purpose of life, addressing existential questions that young adults often grapple with. It makes you think about happiness, success, fulfillment, and finding meaning in God.

4. James: Written by the brother of Jesus, the book of James gives practical guidance for living out your faith in everyday life. It talks about trials, temptations, relationships, and why faith matters. It is a great book for young adults trying to connect their faith with their actions and help them in their Christian life.

5. 1 Peter: This letter gives hope and advice for young adults going through tough times with their faith. It stresses the hope and security we find in Christ and encourages us to stand firm in our identity as God’s chosen people.

These are just a few suggestions, and it ultimately depends on your personal interests and needs. With the best books of the Bible to read for young adults, there are options. Make sure you pray and ask your trusted mentors or pastors which Bible books are perfect for your journey as a young adult.

Best books of the Bible to read as a teenager

Here are some of the best books of the Bible for teenagers to read, each offering valuable lessons, encouragement, and guidance for young believers:

1. All books as mentioned for young adults


2.  1 Timothy

Why It’s Great for Teens: Paul’s letter to Timothy is full of advice for young people on how to live a godly life. Timothy was a young leader in the early church, and Paul’s words are encouraging and practical for teenagers today.

What You’ll Learn: 1 Timothy teaches about the importance of faith, setting a good example, and staying true to God’s teachings. It’s a great guide for young people who want to grow in their faith and be a positive influence on others.

3. Ephesians

Why It’s Great for Teens: Ephesians is a letter that encourages believers to live in unity and grow in their faith. It’s a great book for teenagers who are figuring out their identity in Christ and how to live out their beliefs. Many of the Bible verses about who we are in Christ are in the book of Ephesians.

What You’ll Learn: This book teaches about God’s love, the importance of unity in the church, and how to live as a follower of Christ. It also offers guidance on relationships, both with God and others.

4. 1 John

Why It’s Great for Teens: 1 John is a short book that focuses on the theme of love—both God’s love for us and our love for others. It’s a great read for teenagers who want to deepen their understanding of what it means to love like Jesus.

What You’ll Learn: This book teaches that God is love, and that our love for others is evidence of our faith. It encourages you to live in the light, avoid sin, and walk in love.

5. Genesis

Why It’s Great for Teens: The book of Genesis tells the story of the beginning of everything—creation, the first people, and the early stories of faith. It’s a foundational book that helps teenagers understand God’s plan for the world and their place in it.

What You’ll Learn: Genesis teaches about God’s power, His creation, and His covenant with humanity. It helps you see how God has been working throughout history and sets the stage for understanding the rest of the Bible.

These best books of the Bible to read as a teenager provide a mix of wisdom, encouragement, and practical advice, helping teenagers navigate their faith and daily lives with a strong foundation in God’s Word.

As a new believer, besides knowing what part of the bible should I read first, it is also vital to look at the different ways the Bible can be read: the order of reading.

What order should the Bible be read in?

Wondering whether there is a specific order to read the Bible book sin? It is okay to simply read the books of the Bible in the sequence that the books are arranged (I still do that every once in a while). But there are also so many other ways you can read the scriptures.

There is no best order to read the Bible. The most important thing is to indeed read and study the Bible for yourself. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the pages of His Word.

You can choose any order you like to start reading the Bible. A great way is to vary now and then, to keep your Bible reading habit afresh and ensure you get everything out of the Word of God.

You can read the whole Bible or a part of the Bible.

Here are several different orders you can use to read the Bible, each with its own focus and purpose:

1. Chronological Order

Mode of Reading: This approach follows the events of the Bible in the order they occurred historically.

Order to Read:

  • Start with Genesis, then move to Job (as it is believed to be one of the earliest stories), and continue through the Bible in the order events happened. This includes reading the prophetic books in the context of the historical events they are related to, and the New Testament books in the order they were written. You could also opt for a chronological Bible (thus, the order of books is already based on the time of the events).
  • Example order: Genesis, Exodus, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, Kings, Chronicles, and the Gospels, followed by Acts and the Epistles.

2. Canonical Order

Mode of Reading: This is the traditional order in which the books are arranged in most Bibles, following the sequence from Genesis to Revelation.

Order to Read:

  • Read the Old Testament first, starting from Genesis and ending with Malachi. Then move to the New Testament, starting with Matthew and ending with Revelation.
  • Example order: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua… through to Malachi, then Matthew, Mark, Luke, John… and finally Revelation.

3. Thematic Order

Mode of Reading: This method organizes your reading around specific themes or topics, allowing you to study what the Bible says on various subjects.

Order to Read:

  • Select a theme, such as “Faith”, “the love of God,” or “Joy”, and read all the relevant passages throughout the Bible. You might start with Hebrews 11 (the “Faith Chapter”) and then explore examples of faith in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Example order: Genesis 12 (Abraham’s faith), Exodus 14 (Israel’s deliverance by faith), Daniel 3 (faith in the fiery furnace), Mark 5 (the faith of the bleeding woman), Romans 4 (Abraham’s faith discussed), and James 2 (faith and works).
  • Another example is reading about the women in the Bible: Deborah, Rachel, Esther, book of Ruth, Mary Magdalene, Mary & Martha, and so on.

4. Literary Order

Mode of Reading: This method focuses on the literary genres found in the Bible, such as history, poetry, prophecy, gospels, and epistles.

Order to Read:

  • Start with the historical books to understand the story, then move to poetry and wisdom literature like the book of Psalms and Proverbs. After that, read the prophets, followed by the Gospels, and end with the Epistles and Revelation.
  • Example order: Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges (History); Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes (Poetry); Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel (Prophecy); Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (Gospels); Acts, Romans, Corinthians, etc. (Epistles); and Revelation.

5. Harmony of the Gospels

Mode of Reading: This method harmonizes the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) by reading them side by side in chronological order.

Order to Read:

  • Instead of reading each Gospel separately, you read the events in the life of Jesus in the order they happened, comparing the different accounts.
  • Example order: Birth of Jesus (Matthew 1, Luke 1), Baptism (Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1), Ministry (Matthew 5–7, Luke 6), Crucifixion and Resurrection (Matthew 27–28, Mark 15–16, Luke 23–24, John 19–21).

6. Historical Setting Order

Mode of Reading: This approach places the books in their historical context, reading them alongside the corresponding events.

Order to Read:

  • For example, read 1 and 2 Kings and 1 and 2 Chronicles alongside the corresponding prophetic books (like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea). For the New Testament, read the book of Acts alongside the letters of the apostle Paul.
  • Example order: Genesis to Deuteronomy (Mosaic Law), Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel (early history), Psalms (David’s life), Isaiah (prophecy), Matthew, Acts, Paul’s letters in their historical settings, and Revelation.

7. Bible Reading Plan

Mode of Reading: This method follows pre-designed specific plans that guide you through the Bible over a specific period. There are plans for an entire year, 3 days a month, and everything in between. These plans vary widely, focusing on different aspects of the Bible.

Order to Read:

  • One-Year Plan: Read a mix of Old Testament and New Testament passages each day, allowing you to complete the entire Bible in one year. This might involve reading a few chapters from Genesis and a chapter from Matthew on the same day.
  • Two-Year Plan: Slower-paced, focusing on more in-depth reading. You’ll read smaller portions each day, allowing more time for reflection.
  • Topical Plan: Focuses on specific themes or topics, such as “Promises of God,Forgiveness,” or “Jesus’ Teachings,” by organizing daily readings around these themes.
  • Chronological Plan: A one-year plan that takes you through the Bible chronologically, reading the events in the order they occurred historically.
  • Example order for a One-Year Plan: Day 1: Genesis 1-2, Matthew 1; Day 2: Genesis 3-5, Matthew 2; continuing through the entire Bible by mixing Old and New Testament readings daily.

These reading plans are found in study Bibles or online and can help you stay on track with your reading, offering structure and balance as you work through the whole book of Bible. A great one is the YouVersion Bible app which you can install on your phone so you have your Bible on the go!

These methods provide a structured way to approach Bible reading, allowing you to gain different perspectives depending on the focus of your study.

Take-Away best book to start in the Bible

In this blog, we’ve explored which book of the Bible should a beginner read first, emphasizing the Gospel of John as the best book to start in the Bible for new Christians. Then we also dived further into the best books of the Bible to study for new Christians, where we saw some additional great reads.

Ultimately, the answer to what book in the Bible should I read first is personal and should be approached with guidance from the holy Spirit. But yes… generally the gospel of John is a good place to start.

We’ve also discussed different approaches to reading the Bible, the significance of choosing the right translation, and the value of studying the New Testament first.

Remember, the key is not just where you start, but that you begin with an open heart. Let your Bible reading be a journey of growth and discovery, drawing you closer to God with each page you turn. Keep going, and let His Word guide you daily